About Course
The Comprehensive Networking Fundamentals course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in networking concepts and technologies. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on exercises, students will develop a deep understanding of networking principles, network design, protocols, and troubleshooting techniques. By the end of the course, students will be equipped with the skills required to design, configure, and troubleshoot small to medium-sized networks.
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through an online learning platform, which will provide access to instructional videos, lecture notes, quizzes, and hands-on exercises. Students will have access to virtual lab environments where they can practice configuring and troubleshooting networking devices. Live interactive sessions will be held once a week to provide additional explanations, answer questions, and discuss real-world networking scenarios.
Assessment and Certification:
Students will be evaluated through quizzes, hands-on exercises, and a final project. The final project will require students to design and implement a small network, troubleshoot issues, and document their solutions. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion.
Roles you can apply as a Networking Associate
As a Networking Associate, there are several roles you can consider within the field of networking. Here are some common positions:
- Network Administrator
- Network Technician:
- Network Support Engineer
- Network Security Analyst
- Network Operations Center (NOC) Technician
- Wireless Network Engineer
- Network Engineer
- Network Consultant
And many more!!!
Course Content
Week 1: Introduction to Networking
Introduction to computer networks
00:00 -
Network components and their functions
00:00 -
Network topologies and architectures
00:00 -
OSI and TCP/IP models
00:00 -
Network protocols and their role